Thursday, May 23, 2013

Munich & Dachau - UPDATED

The weather finally caught up with us today after being much better than the forecasts so far.  But we managed to dodge the worst of it throughout the day.
We began our day by traveling into the heart of Munich by tram.  There we met our city guide Markus, a lively & engaging guide who was perfect for our group & entertained us with tales of lederhosen, history, soccer & more.

At the end of the tour we waited for, then watched, the famous town hall glockenspiel.  The group were unanimous that it was entirely underwhelming, but we dutifully waited until the rooster had crowed to mark the end.
There was almost 3 hours free time next, for lunch, further sightseeing, or some final souvenir shopping.  Then we rendezvoused for our afternoon visit to Dachau.
We traveled out of the city by S-Bahn, the Munich suburban railway system, to visit the notorious concentration camp at Dachau.  As always, it was a sombre & moving visit, not enjoyable but worthwhile.  Many conversations on the return journey & later concerned what we had seen.
This evening, & last in Europe, we visited the world-famous Hofbrauhaus for dinner in the upstairs 'Festival Hall'.  A Bavarian "oom-pah" band played & there were occasional performances by a traditional "whip-cracker" & dancers.  It was a fun evening & a great way to end our tour of Europe's Alpine nations.

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