Thursday, May 23, 2013

Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland

Sadly it was time to say farewell today.
After another typically hearty German breakfast we traveled the 17 miles out of the city to Munich's modern & major international airport & the group checked-in for their late morning flight back to Houston, via Toronto.
It has been a great tour - we have seen everything we hoped, enjoyed some great sightseeing & fun experiences, avoided any major hiccups or delays, & even been fortunate with the weather (which wasn't great but the rain mostly held-off all week).
A large part of the success of any tour is the group - their camaraderie, positive attitude, patience, & punctuality.  This group of seniors & chaperones fit the bill perfectly.  Thank you to everyone for their part in the success of the tour, & especially to Dr. Ross for his role in helping make the trip happen.
Best wishes & safe travels,

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